Do you know when its that time to move on? Especially if you have never been in the position before.. This could be a job, a relationship or a friendship. You feel distant from the comfortability that you once knew. You question the next step - is it smart or is it silly?
I don't doubt that someone always knows when is the right time for anything. How would they know? Is it a feeling that you get or is it a blantant sign? Life is a constant moving ride that has its ups and downs so what if that time you know is when you are down? What if the up pulls you back in?
At what point to put 100% into your intuition? Should we trust our friend's opinions or should we trust our own thoughts? The thoughts include God as our guide so essentially we should be trusting His way. Right?
At the end of the day, are we stronger by struggling through life or smarter by knowledge that its time to move on?
Try hard to be yourself, listen to you and be honest with your own life. That's when you will know when to move on or push forward. At what point?