Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Don't be THAT person

So as most of you know, the wedding is about 6 weeks away (from this Friday) and I think my most annoying thing to deal with so far is the RSVP part. RSVP is an acronym for a French saying that means Please Respond. RSVP as far as I knew was say yes or no if you are attending.

Well, apparently not many people understand this. You don't want to be THAT person that doesn't respond, do you? Your hosts have enough to do, they don't want to have to stalk you for a response. It's not fun and it's nowhere near stress-free and embarassing.

I have to make light of it all and here are some my favorite comments in terms of RSVP:
"Ummm you need us to actually send it back to you"
"I work that day. I don't know if I'm coming just to the reception or what."
"I put the envelope in a safe place to send it out and now I can't find it."

 Well my advice to you if you are asked to RSVP is to PLEASE respond. Don't be THAT person. Update: Missing 12 cards and the RSVP date was yesterday. Oh well!

Monday, August 29, 2011

And my 100th post is here........

As I struggled to figure out what to dedicate my 100th blog post to, I wasn't sure if I should talk about how amazing life is (LOL) or how awesome my photoshop skills have become or how excited I am to become Mrs. Cali. I mean, do I really talk about my life a lot? What I wanna know is if you think about your life as much as I do? Do you. I don't want to toot my own horn, but, hopefully I make you think. But maybe if you knew more about what could have been, you would know why I am so enthusiastic about the current goings on.

Sometimes I wonder how different things would be if I didn't make it back to NY for the 2nd time. If I would have stayed in California with my family from the beginning, would I even be living outside my childhood neighborhood? I always use the excuse that I'm the middle child and I needed to get out but really I just think it's destiny. I never felt scared about moving to NY, I was never discouraged from moving away - not even the 2nd time. What I went through to find out who was truly there for me is something I would never change. I grew closer to my family by means of social networks, text messaging, etc - crazy isn't it?

I mean I get it, some people that are currently "in my life" will not be there in a few years. Will it keep me from moving forward and trusting that everything happens for a reason? Definitely not. When I notice that someone has a little more to them than meets the eye, I will try to pick their brain. If it causes me to build a bond that involved mutual respect and friendship, then good for us. If not, then keep it moving. There are people that have showed me true colors in the past months, years and honestly, THANK YOU. You are either proving my point or surprising me. When it comes down to it, you really do not know what life will throw at you. But continue to live, learn and love and the rest will fall into place.

I guess that's how my 100th post turns out. Keep it movin' people.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to Make Your G+ Profile Not Visible

So I happened to Google my first name and last name to find out that my Google+ profile comes up on the first page. So I had to go in to the settings of my Google+ account to make sure this was not happening. Some posts that I make public I don't necessarily want public.

Here is a screencast of the steps I took to remove my profile from being indexed in search engines:

1. Go to Edit Profile
2. Scroll all the way down to Search Visibility
3. Make sure the box is unchecked.
4. Finish editing.

You will notice your Search Visibility is NOT visible in search. Read more here:

Maybe one day, I will make my profile searchable by search engines. For now, no.



Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Enjoying Google+

It took me a while to get used to it and get people in my circles, but, I am enjoying this new social media network so much more than Facebook. The best part about Google+ is that if you comment on someone's post, it's not broadcasted to all your circles. My friends are my friends not my friends' friends so they shouldn't know what's going on everytime I post.

I like the Google Photos interface as well and I was easily able to transfer my albums over there with a widget I found on the internet. How cool that I'm able to store all my photos without having to "lose" them once I switch over.

I'm pretty sure I will keep facebook for those people I know will not switch ... my parents to be exact.

Don't get me wrong, I still check Facebook all the time but in terms of articles, posts and good reading material - it does not exist. This is what I want with my social network.

If you need an invite to Google+ please let me know.