Wednesday, May 19, 2010


As I look at who's featured on MTV or being played 2 times every hr on the radio, I realize that there's a lot of garbage out. By garbage I mean, that 1-hit or 3-hit wonder. We got artists who have $ signs in their artist names. We got people singing repetitively... "take it take it take it". Its all garbage.

Yet there are some artists who don't make it mainstream. Why? Because they are rocking the bling bling or being sexy?? I can only attest to the past 30 yrs of music but I find myself loving all the classic artists more and more. I was talking about what music I'd like in the wedding with Mike's aunt and she was surprised. I mentioned Frank, The Eagles, Deano, etc. I guess it's not normal for her, but, most of my acquaintances love the classic artists more than present day fluff artists.

With that said, I hope B.o.B.'s album becomes a classic!!

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