Monday, April 25, 2011

Abnormally happy

I'm abnormal or maybe I'm not. I never thought that negativity would get me through life; so I tried not to be even what I just wanted to say eff it. Last week, I had my moments but for the most part, I was trying to remain happy and remember the blessings I have in life. I have a lot of things that can bring me down but I try to surround myself with positivity so that it won't happen. Case and point, a photo from this weekend. I just spent more than 3 hours in church and it was late into the night. These are some weird faces we were making while celebrating Mike's First Communion and Confirmation. I wish we had more people to celebrate with us but you know how that is. It's late, it's too far uptown, etc. Either way, I was happy and in a good mood. Happy for Mike, Happy for friends that I am growing closer to, Happy that I have a place to go where everyone knows your name, etc. I am abnormally happy.

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