Friday, April 1, 2011

My Etsy Shop Got a Facelift!

My Etsy Shop

I was previously using my own personal account to have the shop in. I disabled that shop and now I have this up. This is just a start to what I have in mind for this little side graphic design venture. I have been busy with making designs for my shop and coming up with new ideas for designs. I am catering now to brides to be and newly engaged couples, but, hopefully this will flourish into something new.

As you notice, I have not been posting on the regular like I had been in February but Mike and I were really busy with looking for an apartment, setting up this shop and getting busier at work so that's why I have neglected my pepperhead space. I am volunteering my time at church to be a lector and extraordinary minister (I thought they were called eucharistic minister).

So needless to say, I have been very busy. April should be a better month though. Etsy shop up so spread the word. Working on some football stuff for the draft on April 28. New apartment by the end of the month. AND 6 months until we are married!

Hope all is well and remember it's Friday, Friday!

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