Thursday, June 16, 2011

The importance of saying yes or no

So my brother, sister-in-law and I are helping to organize a party/catered lunch for close friends and family of our parents. It's their 40th anniversary. We ask them to RSVP. Why can't people do this BEFORE the due date. I never thought it was a big deal to RSVP whenever I received an invite. But, now that I'm planning this party with my brother and preparing for my upcoming nuptials, I now realize the importance of saying yes or no. If you're a maybe, then you are a maybe from the get go. If you are a no, why would you wait to say no to the organizers.

I just don't get it.

There is quite a lot that goes into planning and preparing for a party no matter how small or big. Maybe it's just me but is it not rude to NOT respond? I think so. So think about it the next time someone asks you to let them know if you're attending. It helps planners everywhere. Pretty soon, we'll all be less stressed about hosting events... or maybe not.

ps. if you have a pre-addressed envelope, that should always be sent out RIGHT away.

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