Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Enjoying Google+

It took me a while to get used to it and get people in my circles, but, I am enjoying this new social media network so much more than Facebook. The best part about Google+ is that if you comment on someone's post, it's not broadcasted to all your circles. My friends are my friends not my friends' friends so they shouldn't know what's going on everytime I post.

I like the Google Photos interface as well and I was easily able to transfer my albums over there with a widget I found on the internet. How cool that I'm able to store all my photos without having to "lose" them once I switch over.

I'm pretty sure I will keep facebook for those people I know will not switch ... my parents to be exact.

Don't get me wrong, I still check Facebook all the time but in terms of articles, posts and good reading material - it does not exist. This is what I want with my social network.

If you need an invite to Google+ please let me know.

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